2024 Calendar​​
​​​Car Jacking prevention/Defense Seminar
Date: Sep 21st
Time: 10AM to 12PM​​
Cost: $40
Location: FSKM headquarters
2111 N Weber St. Colorado Springs 80907
Description: Colorado Springs sees over 2000 auto-thefts a year. Learn how to defend yourself against carjackers that you feel want more than just your car! They may be attempting to abduct you and/or your passengers, do serious injury to you or worse.
A large percentage of carjackings occur in suburban or rural areas, and a weapon is almost always used. In fact, about 63% incidents occur within 5 miles of a victim's home.
What you will learn:
-How to defend yourself while in and out of your vehicle
-When to exit your vehicle and when to use your vehicle as a barrier
-Handgun and Knife defense that can be used in and out of your vehicle and more!
October 19th-20th: Master Class with Alan Predolin owner and chief instructor of 360 Krav Maga
Time: 10AM to 4PM​​
Cost:$300 presale or $350 at the door
Location: FSKM headquarters
2111 N Weber St. Colorado Springs 80907
360 Krav Maga started with Krav Maga as its foundation. It has since grown into something much bigger- a supportive community of people breaking barriers. We aim to cover all aspects of training in this seminar, including striking, ground work and weapons. The seminar will run from 10am to 4pm on Saturday and Sunday.
Saturday 19 Oct:
Striking, Gun defense, and ground work
Sunday 20 Oct:
Rank Testing, sparing and rolling
Teaching since 2001 Alan Predolin taught instructors for Krav Maga Worldwide before continuing his training under Krav Maga founders Imi Lichtenfeld's success Eyal Yanilov. Alan was then appointed Director of International Krav Maga Federation North America and then Director Krav Maga Global North America. Alan was also awarded Expert level 2. Alan currently resides in Long Beach teaching at 360 Krav Maga headquarters.
Past events:
Stop the Abuse self-defense seminar
Date: April 13th
Time: 10AM to 3PM​​
Cost: $15 donation for Tessa
Location: FSKM headquarters
2111 N Weber St. Colorado Springs 80907
April is child abuse prevention and Sexual assault awareness month.
All forms of physical and/or emotional ill-treatment, sexual abuse, neglect or negligent treatment or commercial or other exploitation, resulting in actual or potential harm to an individual’s health, survival, development or dignity are incompatible with the social norms we strive to live by. One in five women in the United States experienced completed or attempted rape during their lifetime. Nearly a quarter (24.8%) of men in the U.S. experienced some form of contact sexual violence in their lifetime. Approximately 2 million children received prevention services in 2020 and approximately 1.2 million children received post response services (such as family preservation, family support, or foster care) because of needs discovered during an investigation or alternative response.
July 29th: Kubaton/ Cell-phone Self-Defense Seminar
Time: 10AM to 12PM​​
Location: FSKM headquarters
2111 N Weber St. Colorado Springs 80907
You talk. You text. You Facebook. Now, you could fight back using their smart phone as a self-defense weapon
Learn how to protect yourself with your Cell phone or a kubaton keychain. No matter where you go, carry piece of mind with you!
Workshop is with Sensei Benjamin Skee. Cost is $40/person. Cost includes a kubaton self-defense tool that is yours to take home
August 12th: Concealed Carry course
Time: 8AM to 5PM​​
Cost:$200 limited to 12 students
Location: TBD Colorado Springs outdoor range
This course isn't just designed qualify you for your concealed carry permeant, In the class, we will strive to ensure that each student leaves feeling comfortable with their knowledge of Colorado’s concealed carry laws and self-defense laws. Classes are taught by experienced and knowledgeable NRA instructor.
Saturday 12 Aug
8:00am-Safty and medical brief
9:00am-range hot
1:00pm-range hot
4:00pm-range cold/cleanup
October 7th: Master Class with Alan Predolin owner and chief instructor of 360 Krav Maga
Time: 10AM to 4PM​​
Cost:$150 presale or $175 at the door
Location: FSKM headquarters
2111 N Weber St. Colorado Springs 80907
360 Krav Maga started with Krav Maga as its foundation. It has since grown into something much bigger- a supportive community of people breaking barriers. We aim to cover all aspects of training in this seminar, including striking, ground work and weapons. The seminar will run from 10am to 4pm on Saturday 7 October.
Saturday 7 Oct
12:00pm-Knife defense
2:00pm- ground work
Teaching since 2001 Alan Predolin taught instructors for Krav Maga Worldwide before continuing his training under Krav Maga founders Imi Lichtenfeld's success Eyal Yanilov. Alan was then appointed Director of International Krav Maga Federation North America and then Director Krav Maga Global North America. Alan was also awarded Expert level 2. Alan currently resides in Long Beach teaching at 360 Krav Maga headquarters.
1 Oct 2022: Bar Fight Defense Seminar
Time: 10 AM to 12 PM​​
Cost: $60 (includes $10 donation to TESSA and your first drink)
Location: Cerberus
702 W Colorado Blvd, Colorado Springs 80905
Description: Just about everyone has experienced a great night out on the town that took a downhill turn. Join us to learn what to do on a night out gone wrong and make a donation to helping the victims of Domestic violence and sexual assault. When crowds, noise, and mind-altering substances are involved, a night club or bar can transform into a brawl with little or no warning. Have you ever gotten caught in the middle? Even finding a way out of the line of fire of a drunk person’s blind strikes can be a challenge.
This seminar will set you up to defend yourself and stay safe in these situations! Low visibility, a lack of ability to communicate normally, and high stress are all factors in the nightclub scene. Learn to keep your bearings, spot the exits, and move away from danger as quickly as possible while defending yourself against physical attacks. Space is limited, so make sure to give yourself time to get a spot before registration is closed!
Active Shooter Defense Seminar
Date: July 9th
Time: 10AM to 12PM​​
Cost: $40
Location: FSKM headquarters
2111 N Weber St. Colorado Springs 80907
Description: When disaster strikes you must act to improve your chance of survival. Unfortunately mass killings are on the rise around the world. Most of these situations are over before the police even arrive. We will teach you when to run, how to hide and how to fight back.
Car Jacking prevention/Defense Seminar
Date: July 10th
Time: 10AM to 12PM​​
Cost: $40 + $30 for each family member you bring
Location: FSKM headquarters
2111 N Weber St. Colorado Springs 80907
Description: Colorado Springs sees over 2000 auto-thefts a year. Learn how to defend yourself against carjackers that you feel want more than just your car! They may be attempting to abduct you and/or your passengers, do serious injury to you or worse.
A large percentage of carjackings occur in suburban or rural areas, and a weapon is almost always used. In fact, about 63% incidents occur within 5 miles of a victim's home.
What you will learn:
-How to defend yourself while in and out of your vehicle
-When to exit your vehicle and when to use your vehicle as a barrier
-Handgun and Knife defense that can be used in and out of your vehicle and more!
Take A Stand
Time: 9 AM to 3 PM​​
Cost: $15 min tonation
Location: FSKM headquarters
2111 N Weber St. Colorado Springs 80907
The month of April holds two important awareness topics: sexual assault and child sexual abuse prevention. Although this April we are still dealing with the (COVID-19) pandemic, there are plenty of ways to safely get involved and train to prevent sexual assault and child sexual abuse. Staying connected to others may look different than it did in past years, but connection to others, hope and working for a world without violence are crucial now.
The additional stress and trauma of living through a pandemic can put people and communities at greater risk of both sexual assault and child sexual abuse, as well as other forms of intimate partner violence.
together we can work to end the abuse and support those who need help. In addition to Supporting TESSA come learn how to protect yourself and fight back. Saturday April 17th we will be hosting a Stop the Abuse fair. See schedule below. Donate today and reserve your spot in either/both seminars. $15 minimum donation per participant please.
Join us 9 AM-3PM for a day filled with classes, and fun! We will be offering a variety of classes for donations.
Yoga, Women’s only self-defense seminar, and a Family protection seminar.
With our help they can continue to provide the vital services that the survivors of theses hands crimes need. In addition to Supporting TESSA come learn how to protect yourself and fight back. See schedule below. Donate today and reserve your spot in either/both seminars. $15 minimum donation per participant please.
Space is limited, so make sure to give yourself time to get a spot before registration is closed!
Woman's only self-defense seminar​
Time: 10AM to 12PM​​
Cost: $15 + any donation you would like to make to the women's shelter
Location: FSKM headquarters
2111 N Weber St. Colorado Springs 80907
Description: ​Our Women only self-defense seminar will teach you how to defend yourself against strikes, grabs and chokes. Class is taught in as safe and fun environment suitable for all levels of practitioners. 100% of all funds raised for this seminar will go to support the Colorado Springs women's shelters. ​
November 2023: Concealed Carry course
Time: 8AM to 5PM​​
Cost:$200 limited to 12 students
Location: Pike’s Peak Gun Club
Prerequisites: Open mind and willingness to learn. Familiar with weapon and safeties.
Pistol Level 1 (P1): Designed with the beginner in mind, this is also a great course for intermediate and advanced shooters wanting to get back to basics and work out the “Kinks.” This isn’t a familiarization course in a classroom, but a kinesthetic approach to firearms training. P1 focuses on safety, fundamentals, and the shooter’s intent. The ultimate goals of this course are for students to be able to “Self diagnose” as well as sharpen skills to quickly and accurately employ a firearm. Demand comes in the form of individualized assessment so that no shooter is held back.
P1 is an open carry course with a focus on manipulation and performance. The skills learned in this course can be applied to a myriad of real life and training scenarios. We want to be relaxed yet disciplined. Most of all we want you to succeed.
Stress Level: Moderate
Course Outline
Life safety brief
Why = Mindset
Gear placement
Caliber Ballistics / Weapon limitations
Shooting fundamentals (7 / 3)
Ready positions, carries
Draw & holster
Loads & reloads
Dry fire drills & home practice
Rhythm drills
Distance shooting
BSA drills
Alignment / CQC / Breaks (Understanding shot placement / acceptable accuracy)
Speed drills
Turning drills
Zone engagements
Shooter Loadout
Pistol chambered in 9, .40, .45
300 rds of ammo
Rigid belt
Holster (OWB)
Mag carrier (IWB or OWB)
3 Magazines (4 recommended)
Baseball style cap (Recommended)
Clothing suitable for rigorous training (no shorts)
Eye protection
Ear protection (In & out recommended)
Water source, snacks
Proper footwear for gravel terrain
Sunblock (Recommended)
Note taking materials
Ability to understand and follow simple, safe instruction
Self-Defense for college bound students​
Cost: $40-$50
Location: FSKM headquarters
Whether your high school seniors are college-bound or starting their first career, they will be spending a considerable amount of time with relative strangers in various unfamiliar settings. So, when your seniors are out there, will they know how to recognize potentially threatening situations? Will they know how to defend themselves against a physical attack?
Soteric Group* and Krav Maga First Strike are partnering to bring Soteric Group’s Introduction to Personal Self-Defense training course to our graduates. This 2-hour interactive training, taught by Ben Skee, a certified Krav Maga expert with over 10 years of experience teaching personal self-defense, includes the basic self-defense techniques they need to know to help keep themselves safe. Each section of the following course outline includes visual demonstrations and practical exercises, so our seniors will get the opportunity to practice and gain confidence with their new-found skills.